A map of the barrows contained in Richard Colt Hoare's 'Tumuli Wiltunenses - a Guide to the Barrows on the Plains of Stonehenge', being his own index to the barrows in 'The Ancient History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1' which are shown in the figure 'A Map of Stonehenge and its Environs', each barrow cross-referenced to its Goddard/Grinsell parish number and linked to the relevant NMR, HER and Scheduled Monument database records.
Key to initials in Notes
ADP: A.D. Passmore
AM: Andrew Martin
CG: Charles Green
ED: Edward Duke
HCP: Helena Cave-Penney
JT: John Thurnam
LVG: L.V. Grinsell
MoW: Ministry of Works
OGSC: O.G.S. Crawford
OS: Ordnance Survey
PMC: P.M. Christie
PS: Pastscape.org
RBP: R.B. Pugh
RCH: Richard Colt Hoare
WC: William Cunnington
WH: William Hawley
WS: William Stukeley
WSH: Wilts & Swindon HER
UNK: Unknown
RCH's Grouping
Lake Group
Wilsford Group
Winterbourne Stoke