The Picasso Conspiracy
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It is a little known fact that the origin of Pablo Picasso's Guernica
lies in a secretive drawing that was executed in 1934 and which
re-surfaced in England in the 1970s.
This previously unknown work contains the widest range of themes
of all known Picassos and has been signed, dated and fingerprinted
by the artist. Yet since its discovery, the Picasso museums and
the Picasso Administration under the direction of Claude Picasso
have refused access to fingerprinted materials that could prove
it genuine.
A number of well known scholars close to the Picasso Estate have
also been brushing aside or denying the attribution when communicating
with the media. Regardless of what they may say, the drawing's
authenticity can be proven one way or the other, but this may
never happen unless Claude Picasso and those under his influence
allow access to fingerprinted items under their control.